Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
Peace Memorial Park
ATOMIC BOMB DOME -- It is very worthwhile visiting here. This is the most powerful symbol for peace, and the "only one" heritage in the world. There were lots of stories before making the final decision on the preservation. Our tour will share the stories of "before and after the war" with you.
CHILDREN'S PEACE MONUMENT -- The monument was dedicated to Sadako Sasaki and all the children who died due to the atomic bombing. When Sadako was two years old, the atomic bomb was dropped. She miraculously escaped from injuries and grew up as a healthy girl.
10 years later, she suddenly developed acute leukemia and died. As she continued to fold paper cranes with her wish to get well, the paper cranes became a symbol of peace. Please find more stories in our tour.
CENOTAPH FOR THE ATOMIC BOMB VICTIMS -- This is the main monument of the park. The Atomic Bomb Dome, Flame of Peace and the cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims are aligned on the single line. Therefore, you can view the dome through the frame of the cenotaph.
The Peace Memorial Ceremony is held in front of the monument every August 6th, and the Mayor of Hiroshima makes his peace declaration. Many well-known world-leaders visited here.
OTHER MONUMENTS AND BUILDING -- These are many other monuments established by local communities, schools and companies inside the park. You will visit the key monuments and the Peace Memorial Museum in our tours.

Peace Memorial Park

Peace Memorial Museum

Atomic Bomb Memorial Mound

Memorial Tower for Mobilized Students -- The school names are shown on the back